Friday, August 21, 2020

Important Areas For Self Awareness Psychology Essay

Significant Areas For Self Awareness Psychology Essay In a changing corporate world, solid initiative is turning out to be need for Business to survive.Complexity and mayhem are making rising worries in tackling issue in business world, which drives more consideration regarding administration. This thusly has expanded contentions how initiative is not the same as the executives. The executives center around responsibities and arriving at objectives successfully and proficiently which implies the exercises keeps association running(Huey,1994).However authority is a job to impact others and controlling them to go right way to effectiveness(Bennis Nanus,1985).Three aptitudes required for supervisors to make achievement association incorporates setting up course, rousing and moving individuals and adjusting individuals (Cohn, 1998).This new position of authority, it squeezes pioneers to bargain viably in a domain in which information is a financial asset. Information incorporates unequivocal information and insights as in history and strate gy or inward sense. These are considered as key abilities of pioneers (White, Hodgson, Crainer, 1996).Self mindfulness is an establishment for strategy information. In the White, et al(1996) mindfulness includes the pioneers monitoring their qualities and shortcoming and capacity to acknowledge them. Self investigation is a procedure of raising mindfulness. So the key thing here is to gather adequate and productive data to settle on compelling choice on ones future for a self-guided turn of events. By analyzing your qualities, shortcomings, abilities and skills, an individual can get an away from of what you are and what you have. Significant Areas for Self-Awareness Being an intricate and different animal Human creatures need to have a comprehension in numerous regions like mental needs, character characteristics, values, propensities, feelings and so on to get mindful. Understanding our characters can assist us with finding the arrangements in which we flourish and help us to keep away from circumstance which will give us a lot of pressure and mental weight. It could be in close to home or expert life. For example a thoughtful person individual can think that its more upsetting in deals work than an outgoing person individual. So either the individual needs to learn abilities to coordinate the activity necessity or should search for different chances. So Awareness of character assists with settling on a choice that will prompt less worry to have an upbeat existence. Each individual has its very own qualities. Ignorance of own qualities may deceive to give more consideration to less irrelevant work and feel regretful for not focusing on need works. Propensities are the practices that are rehashed routinely and consequently. Individual propensity may influence our adequacy. For example if an individual who is a chief doesnt have a propensity to counsel staff in dynamic procedure may influence his capacity to assemble staff individuals duties. Realizing the mental needs like regard, friendship, possessive, accomplishment, self realization, power, control and so on will assist with understanding their impact on relational connections. Passionate mindfulness is one of the five features of enthusiastic insight. Its about knowing ones sentiments, what caused that feeling and how it impacts one idea and activity. An individual with high enthusiastic mindfulness can comprehend the inward procedures of any passionate experience so can have a superior authority over it Administrative mindfulness There are numerous formative appraisals like multi-rater method, Feedback process, filling survey and so forth are structured with the fundamental suspicion that the consciousness of any inconsistencies by they way others see us and the view of ourselves will prompt a more prominent level of mindfulness which thusly improves the administration conduct. So its makes critical to comprehend what is mindfulness and its effect on directors execution. Piaget(1928) protected that a youngster is a narcissistic or egocentric being thus the point of view of others is generally disregarded and are not an issue. At that point there is continuous movement from egotistical view to all the more socially mindful view. Step by step a youngster figures out how to take others job in social collaborations where self is seen as an object(Mead, 1934).This procedure of job taking includes focusing on needs, feelings, aims, feelings and scholarly capacities of others which are significant attributes for a kid to turn into a genuine communicator (Flavell, Botkin Fry, 1968). The youngster that isn't effectively partaking in this job taking conduct can't be a powerful communicator (Piaget, 1928), on the grounds that the idea of ones perspective is missing. Scholarly egocentrism can be characterized as the failure to take different jobs. The capacity to look for the assessments of others and contrast them with their own perspective so as to make examinations is missing, and consequently prevents pretty much all aspects of the childs life. As per Flavell et. al (1968), the capacity to survey what another people capacities and inclinations in a given circumstance are, combined with the capacity to utilize this data to convey all the more viably is an expertise that is created with age. The move from scholarly egocentrism to thought of viewpoint of others that happens in youth is vital in which way an individual sees oneself. Mead (1934) contends that for ones selfhood mindfulness, it is important to separate mindfulness from within oneself and use vantage focuses from someone else. So playing the job of other is significant in this unique circumstance, as the idea of self comprises of the view of others. Duval and Wicklunds (1972) hypothesis of target mindfulness repudiates Meads hypothesis by hypothesizing that hesitance happens on the grounds that cognizance can concentrate on the self similarly that consideration is centered around any item. So it is extremely unlikely an individual is subject to others perspective as in Mead plans. In the event that the item like nature of oneself has been found, and upgrades in the earth are to such an extent that awareness turns toward oneself, the individual will turn out to be equitably mindful (Duval Wicklund,p. 31, 1972). As such, others perspective isn't important to act naturally cognizant, rather a develop individual has intrinsic awareness capacity to center in various ways. Duval and Wicklund (1972) characterize target mindfulness as the state in which oneself is the object of cognizance. Then again, abstract mindfulness is simply the state wherein the isn't the focal point of cognizance. So it shows the early work of Piaget, Flavell, Duval, and Mead in the present investigations on the idea of mindfulness. From business angle diverse criticism strategies are significant for administrator mindfulness. To be genuinely mindful a supervisor ought not restrict his thoughts,feelings to himself rather he ought to know about others point of view and remember this data for self appraisal(Duval Lalwani, 1999). This can be alluded to as other-mindfulness (Figurski, 1987).So one must be first mindful of others point of view so as to adjust possesses viewpoint and afterward receive those comparable to self (Flavell, 1968).So mindfulness is a training to thinks about self and precisely get to ones own conduct and aptitudes as they are obvious in work environment associations (Church, 1997). Numerous directors utilize the data they see to change future conduct. Figurski (1987) recognized four various types of individual mindfulness which all together will give clearness to this examination. As found in Figure 1, target, point of view, and substance are the three principle measurements of individual awareness.Perspective or implied mindfulness (egocentric or allocentric)interacts with the objective or central mindfulness (self or other) to get substance of mindfulness. Four classes of consideration result: self-experience mindfulness, mental self portrait mindfulness, other-picture mindfulness, and other-experience mindfulness. These can happen together in any mix or at the same time. The allocentric point of view results when one spotlight on how different sees them acting naturally is the objective. At the point when others are the objective, one is worry about how others feel. So it essential to considers others interior experience before receiving their point of view. In this manner target mindfulness is reliant upon the thought of others encounters. Issues may emerge for the individuals who neglect to coordinate data from the egocentric and allocentric points of view. In the event that the others experience are not satisfactorily thought of, there will be less understanding between oneself as well as other people bringing about less compelling correspondence (Wegner Giuliano, 1982). On the other hand,one who relates others encounters to themselves and coordinates that data to see self should encounter compelling correspondence. The figures with recurrence demonstrate that individuals know about others encounters practically half of the time. So self ends up being the prevailing focal point of consideration. In spite of the fact that supervisors center around self, they can't precisely pass judgment on their own practices as they may get one-sided. Be that as it may, self-appraisals are significant as there are a few qualities like insight, high accomplishments status and locus of control are firmly identified with exact self assessment Mabe and West(1982). The more noteworthy the people level of mindfulness the greater similitude that is normal between the self appraisal and the evaluations gave by peers. The error among self-and other-evaluations is additionally indistinct. For instance, a height in self-appraisals could be because of lower evaluations in others instead of over-estimation by oneself. Atwater and Yammarino (1992) looked to decide how mindfulness influences the level of connection between administration conduct and its indicators, and between pioneer conduct and execution results. On examination of self and other rating it was discovered that off base self raters who overestimate

Saturday, July 11, 2020

How to Solve Physics Problems Online

How to Solve Physics Problems OnlineIf you want to solve physics problems online, then the best place to find these problems is on a website that has a dedicated section for physics problems. There are websites like this that have thousands of pages of physics problems that you can search through.Many people are wondering if there is really anything better than solving math problems and I will say yes. In fact, solving physics problems online is also a great way to pass a time and come up with answers to many of your questions. As a matter of fact, I believe that physics is a complex subject and therefore solving problems could be even more complicated.Physics is a very interesting subject and does not have one of the easiest subjects. Yes, it is a difficult subject and is not something that you would find sitting down and doing a couple of simple problems. Also, physics is a field that is extremely important in terms of the progress of science and technology. You cannot make any cla ims about this subject without knowing a little bit about it.Physics problems are exactly what they sound like. They are solving problems in physics, and they also offer hints and tips as well. If you know how to solve problems in physics, then this will help you out a lot and give you some of the best solutions that you have ever received in physics.With physics problems, you will have a lot of help available to you. The problem solving section of these websites usually offers you instructions on what you need to do to solve a particular problem. The good thing about these websites is that they offer you complete information on how to solve physics problems and all the tools that you need to solve it.You will need to fill out forms so that you can download solutions, hints and tips and also do a bit of research on the website. Although the website does not guarantee that you will be able to solve the problem or have the best solution, it will be worth the time and effort that you p ut into it.If you are looking for ways to solve physics problems, then there are many websites that you can choose from. The main thing that you should keep in mind is that it is a good idea to spend a little time to look at the different websites available. The first place that you should visit is the Sciencebase website because this site offers you information and solutions to many of the physics problems that you find online.There are other websites that offer you the same service as Sciencebase but you need to check out more of them. The key thing that you need to remember is that it is a very good idea to spend some time to look through the website and see what types of things you can find there.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Morality Objectively Exists. But By Identifying Something

Morality objectively exists. But by identifying something that all human beings carry with them, we can draw a clear line between what is right and what is wrong. All human beings are born with one common and simple desire, the desire to be loved. Love is the universal truth for all of humanity. Love stands as the clear line between what is right and what is wrong. If an individual or a culture is acting in a way that does not show love for themselves or others, then they are acting immorally. The simple definition of love stands to bolster and protect all human life. The focus of this paper is to adequately describe what moral relativism and moral subjectivism are. This paper will make the claim that no type of moral relativism or†¦show more content†¦A moral subjectivist would say that what is definitively right is different for every person. Moral subjectivism looks to argue that there is no definite truth and that all facets of morality are arbitrary in nature. Unlike, moral relativism, moral subjectivism is, in some ways, compatible with moral realism. Both say that an individual can be sure of their moral boundaries no matter what the situation may be. For example, Christians believe that all life is precious and that abortion is wrong, yet someone who is not Christian could also believe that all life is precious and that abortion is wrong. Trying to identify a universal truth in which dictates the whole world and all human morality is a difficult task, but this section will attempt to argue that love is just that. The problem with this is how do you compare a serial killer with Gandhi? This is a valid question, and the immense diversity of humans makes such a question almost impossible to answer. St. Thomas Aquinas said that, â€Å"the things that we love tell us what we are.† As humans we put our hopes, trust, and dreams into the things that we love. In other words love defines who we are as humans. Love stands as the universal truth, w hich binds together all humans and sets the clear line separating what is right and what is wrong. If all people, from age to age, were to hold love in this regard we would seeShow MoreRelatedIf God Eoes Not Exist, Everything Is Permitted Essay1289 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"If God does not exist, everything is permitted.† by Fyodor Dostoyevsky is a popular phrase used by theists, theologians and conservatives when questioned about the connection between faith in God and morality. In other words it is claimed that without the belief in a supreme supernatural figure who maintains law and order in the whole of cosmos, a man cannot regulate himself as a socially and morally acceptable individual. This in fact presents a major logical fallacy since it is based on a beliefRead MoreAristotle and Kant on Happiness, Morality, and Normative Force3957 Words   |  16 PagesAristotle and Kant on Happiness, Morality and Normative Force 1. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of Fagles s Antigone - 1526 Words

While Ismene s language relies heavily upon a Northern Irish dialect, differences between Paulin s Ismene and Fagles go further. In Fagles s Antigone, Ismene is a voice of reason in contrast to her rash and hot-headed sister. She advocates prudence as sensible. Paulin s work offers an Ismene translated not only linguistically but also in personality. As this Ismene warns Antigone, she thinks only of the punishment. Her concern is not that the two would defy the state but that they would die –and in a most unpleasant manner. Her speech emphasizes the concern for them rather than the state as she stresses how we ll die and repeatedly speaks of what will happen to us. These lines clearly mark a point at which Paulin chose fidelity to Ismene s Irishness over fidelity to Sophocles s politics. However, these lines also raise questions about the nature of Irishness. Is Ismene s rational response, in the original, inherently un-Irish and untranslatable into an Irish context? And, i f so, is Paulin suggesting here that the Irish are the overly-emotional and hot-blooded people that stereotypes have made them out to be? More than a simple substitution of standard English for Irish English, Paulin s translation raises such questions throughout. As he translates, Paulin displaces Irishness, removing it from a familiar context defined by Irish/English dichotomies, character stereotypes, and the trite settings and practices expected of conventional Irish plays.Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Oedipus The King And Antigone1170 Words   |  5 Pagesworld. In civilizations such as Athens, women were looked down upon and this battle to leave behind tradition proved to be almost if not fatal. Sophocles Oedipus the King and Antigone exemplify three distinct female Athenian characters who approach this battle with different fronts. Through analysis of Ismene, Antigone and Jocasta’s distinct characters, the reader better understands how Sophocles uses a feminine voice t o break away from the tradition discerned in Athenian life to advocate for theRead MoreAntigone‚Äà ´s Law: a Critique of Patriarchal Power Structures1121 Words   |  5 PagesStructures    The heroine Antigone sacrifices her life to defy the patriarchal society in which she is imprisoned. By confronting and resisting Creon’s authoritarian rule, Antigone empowers the oppressed people of Thebes. On the surface, her motives seem clear; she defies civil law in favor of a higher moral law. Antigone declares she acts out of a sense of honor and obedience to the gods, however her words and actions reveal additional motives. Antigone follows her own unique law, whichRead More Comedic Violence in The Medea, The Oresteia, and Antigone Essay2353 Words   |  10 PagesComedic Violence in The Medea, The Oresteia, and Antigone      Ã‚  Ã‚   Almost no Greek tragedy escapes the use of violence. The Medea, The Oresteia, Antigone, and other classic works of Grecian tragoidia all involve huge components of violence in many prominent places, and for all of these stories, violent action is an integral part of the play. Medea, especially, is a character worthy of note in this regard; her tumultuous life can be plotted accurately along a path of aggression and passionate fits

OK, Computer... free essay sample

I find it quite funny and quite straight how the album is titled OK Computer and now I sit in front of my laptop, ready to type this essay repeating the same words as if challenging this little machine. It was quite a surreal experience for something so usual and routine. I was lying in my bed, with my headphones on listening to music for either inspiration or recreation; it was one or the other, but usually they meld in just the same. I thought to myself, â€Å"Hey. The weather is perfect for this† and it would be trite of me to put the cliche it was a dark and stormy night, but it was: an excellent addition to the atmosphere. So I switched the track to the opening song of my favorite album, and I was lying in my bed, with my headphones on listening to OK Computer for the umpteenth time. We will write a custom essay sample on OK, Computer or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Ive done this so many times, liveblogged it and gushed about it, yet tonight in the comfort of my bed, in the darkness beside the window with the gentle noise of pouring rain, my mind my sole company, it became quite surreal. I was listening, not hearing. My not-so-secret dream has always been to become a musician. My idealist teenager side says that I could be: just submit a couple of CDs to some record company and they would find me interesting, then soon enough Id be on the radio and touring the world, adding to that all the perks of being a world-famous musician! I smile to myself when I think about it, and start creating scenarios in my head where my pessimistic, realist self invades my dream and whispers something about a one-in-a-million chance of getting into the recording industry. Then my parents would ramble about a starving artist and soon enough, the smile from my face would be slapped away by reality, replaced by discouragement and a renewed fear for the future. Its quite juvenile of me to set my sights on a particular career path already, and it may not sound good that I have no idea what I want to do with my life yet, but I think it would be even worse if I did. I am but a sixteen year old girl who hasnt seen even a q uarter of what Earth and this life has to offer, but Ive thought about it for so many sleepless nights but I digress. Listening to this album made me want to pursue that dream again. Its not just the pure technicality of the music, but the unexplainable emotions I could feel through wavelengths and lyrics addressed to no one in particular. Would I even go so far to say that this album led me to question my existence and my standing in this world? Perhaps. And that may sound quite strange, but the strangest things, the little words can lead you to the most mind-boggling experiences. Or maybe Im just a truly inquisitive person, or a neurotic that over-analyzes everything, maybe even a lunatic unbeknownst to myself, or merely just the same as everyone else who doesnt know what she is in this life. My not-so-secret dream has always been to become a musician, and after that altering experience its not just for the perks but to inspire someones life, to make that person look deeper into the grand picture of reality through the lyrics spoken through headphones. Or, at the very least, provide a sublime experience when they put my album on and listen to it in the comfort of their bed, in the darkness beside the window with the gentle noise of pouring rain.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Total Sanitation Programme in India Essay Example

Total Sanitation Programme in India Paper Individual Health and hygiene is largely dependent on adequate availability of drinking water and proper sanitation. There is, therefore,a direct relationship between water,sanitation and health. Consumption of unsafe drinking water, improper disposal of human excreta, improper environmental sanitation and lack of personal and food hygiene have been major causes of many diseases in developing countries. Individual Health and hygiene is largely dependent on adequate availability of drinking water and proper sanitation. There is, therefore,a direct relationship between water,sanitation and health. Consumption of unsafe drinking water, improper disposal of human excreta, improper environmental sanitation and lack of personal and food hygiene have been major causes of many diseases in developing countries. India is no exception to this. Prevailing High Infant Mortality Rate is also largely attributed to poor sanitation. It was in this context that the Central Rural Sanitation Programme (CRSP) was launched in 1986 primarily with the objective of improving the quality of life of the rural people and also to provide privacy and dignity to women. The concept of sanitation was earlier limited to disposal of humanexcreta by cess pools, open ditches,pit latrines, bucket system etc. Today it connotes a comprehensive concept, which includes liquid and solid waste disposal, food hygiene, personal, domestic as well as environmental hygiene. Proper sanitation is important not only from the general health point of view but it has a vital role to play in our individual and social life too. Sanitation is one of the basic determinants of quality of life and Human Development Index. Good sanitary practices prevent contamination of water and soil and thereby prevent diseases. We will write a custom essay sample on Total Sanitation Programme in India specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Total Sanitation Programme in India specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Total Sanitation Programme in India specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The concept of sanitation was, therefore, expanded to include personal hygiene, home sanitation, safe water, garbage disposal, excreta disposal and waste water disposal. A comprehensive Baseline Survey on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices in rural water supply and sanitation was conducted during 1996-97 under the aegis of the Indian Institute of Mass Communication, which showed that 55% of those with private latrines were self-motivated. Only 2% of the respondents claimed the existence of subsidy as the major motivating factor, while 54% claimed to ave gone in for sanitary latrines due to convenience and privacy. The study also showed that 51% of the respondents were willing to spend upto Rs. 1000/- to acquire sanitary toilets. Keeping in view the above facts, the CRSP was improved. In the new format, CRSP moves towards a â€Å"demand driven† approach. The revised approach in the programme titled â€Å"Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC)†emphasizes more on Information, Edu cation and Communication (IEC), Human Resource Development, Capacity Development activities to increase awareness among the rural people and generation of demand for sanitary facilities. This will also enhance people’s capacity to choose appropriate options through alternate delivery mechanisms as per their economic condition. The Programme is being implemented with focus on community-led and people centered initiatives. Children play an effective role in absorbing and popularising new q+`ideas and concepts. This Programme, therefore, intends to tap their potential as the most persuasive advocates of good sanitation practices in their own households and in schools. The aim is also to provide separate urinals/toilets for boys and girls in all the schools/ Anganwadis in rural areas in the country. OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the TSC are as under: †¢ Bring about an improvement in the general quality of life in the rural areas. †¢ Accelerate sanitation coverage in rural areas. †¢ Generate felt demand for sanitation facilities through awareness creation and health education. †¢ Cover schools/ Anganwadis in rural areas with sanitation facilities and promote hygiene education and sanitary habits among students. Encourage cost effective and appropriate technologies in sanitation. †¢ Eliminate open defecation to minimize risk of contamination of drinking water sources and food. †¢ Convert dry latrines to pour flush latrines, and eliminate manual scavenging practice, wherever in existence in rural areas. STRATEGY The strategy is to make the Programme ‘community led’ and ‘people centered’. A â €Å"demand driven approach† is to be adopted with increased emphasis on awareness creation and demand generation for sanitary facilities in houses, schools and for cleaner environment. Alternate delivery mechanisms would be adopted to meet the community needs. Subsidy for individual household latrine units has been replaced by incentive to the poorest of the poor households. Rural School Sanitation is a major component and an entry point for wider acceptance of sanitation by the rural people. Technology improvisations to meet the customer preferences and location specific intensive IEC Campaign involving Panchayati Raj Institutions, Co-operatives, Women Groups, Self Help Groups, NGOs etc. are also important components of the Strategy. The strategy addresses all sections of rural population to bring about the relevant behavioural changes for improved sanitation and hygiene practices and meet their sanitary hardware requirements in an affordable and accessible manner by offering a wide range of technological choices. IMPLEMENTATION Implementation of TSC is proposed on a project mode. A project proposal emanates from a district, is scrutinized by the State Government and transmitted to the Government of India (Department of Drinking Water Supply, Ministry of Rural Development). TSC is implemented in phases with startup activities. Funds are made available for preliminary IEC work. The physical implementation gets oriented towards satisfying the feltneeds,wherein individual households choose from a menu of options for their household latrines. The builtin flexibility in the menu of options gives the poor and the disadvantaged families’ opportunity for subsequent upgradation depending upon their requirements and financial position. In the â€Å"campaign approach†, while a synergistic interaction between the Government agencies and other stakeholders, intensive IEC and advocacy, with participation of NGOs/Panchayati Raj Institutions/resource organizations, take place to bring about the desired behavioural changes for relevant sanitation practices, provision of alternate delivery system, proper technical specifications, designs and quality of installations are also provided to effectively fulfill the generated

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

buy custom Software Development Organization essay

buy custom Software Development Organization essay The software development firm addressed in this paper is called Agape programmers. This company has a management style that is bother strict and flexible at the same time. The leadership also allows for open as well as controlled modes of management. In regard to the internal process model, the competitive value framework calls for a lot of strictness in management. Agape programmers implement this strictness during new employee recruitment. All applicants are always vetted by a panel to ascertain their degree of competence. The interviewers only pick the best candidate who will deliver in the job. However upon recruitment, the Agape Programmers management always enforces good relationship within the organization. All the programmers are serviced with the expectations and the objectives of the organization. This has helped to foster commitment. Good relationships should be advocated for. The workers need to be encouraged and motivated. Healthy interpersonal relationship and motivation are key elements for boosting the performance of the employee which in turn affects the profitability of the organization positively. Agape Programmers does this motivation by way of remitting good salaries and allowances. All employees always have access to free medical services whenever need arises. Agape Programmers have very strict team of managers whose main objective is to see the organization grow to greater heights. Any development process must be planned and well designed. This level of planning caters for rational goal model in Competitive value framework. No software can be designed successfully without proper planning. Agape Programmers create allowance for open systems model whenever programmers are working on a system. Each person is allowed to contribute and forward their suggestions. This creates a sense of ownership among the programmers. Agape Programmers has developed and will continue to excel as a result of this great move. Buy custom Software Development Organization essay

Saturday, February 29, 2020

A Refreshing Analysis of T.S. Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”

A Refreshing Analysis of T.S. Eliot’s â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock† To say that The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is a typical romantic ode to the wonders of love, as the title may suggest, is quite far from the truth. To the contrary, this poem enters the straggling mind of J. Alfred Prufrock, a man plagued with irresolution, and because of this irresolution will probably never realistically be in love with a woman. Love Song is a dive into Prufrocks inconsistent thought processes, and the foggy workings of his less-than-optimistic mind. Through bleak imagery, a wavering tone that feels timeless, and carefully connoted diction, T.S. Eliot portrays J. Alfred Prufrock as an uneasy, indecisive, and ultimately scared man. The first few lines of the poem set the scene as to what kind of content Prufrock has to offer. He uses a simile in comparing the evening, spread out against the sky, to a patient etherized upon a table (2-3). Its a fairly unappealing comparison, and it puts an awkward image in the readers mind from the beginning. He goes on to set the scene of a kind of tour through a city-like atmosphere: Let us go, through certain half-deserted streetsof restless nights in one-night cheap hotels and sawdust restaurants (4-7). Again, a bleak image is cast into the mind of the reader, reminiscent of a twisted Gotham City where no one would want to be unless accompanied by someone very dear a someone who Prufrock is not with. He goes on to make another type of etherized comparison later on, which adds to the bleak, uneasy feeling: And I have known the eyes already, known them all- The eyes that fix you in a formulated phrase, And when I am formulated, sprawling on a pin, When I am pinned and wriggling on the wall, Then how should I begin To spit out all the butt-ends of my days and ways? And how should I presume? This stanza dives into Prufrocks uneasy nature through the use of carefully connoted diction (e.g., pin) that conveys imagery of a bug or animal ready to be dissected. He is describing what happens when he runs into people he may know: they fix [him] in a formulated phrase, and then pin him down, and when he is pinned and wriggling on the wall, he is then forced to interact with them and make a decision about how to go about saying how his day went. To almost everyone else in the world, this type of interaction is a daily occurrence of life, and usually isnt conveyed as a feeling of being pinned down. However, Prufrocks uneasy nature is very similar to that of The Catcher in the Ryes Holden Caulfield, in the fact that he really isnt one for lighthearted social interaction. Instead, every little detail of life, in Prufrocks eyes, is not considered an idle task, but a high-strung, uneasy chain of decisions. Throughout the poem, Prufrock seems to jog around in his mind, and is quite abstract with his thoughts. The result is a wavering, fragmented tone that further suggests Prufrocks indecisiveness and digressive habits. One of the subtle ways that Eliot adds to this wavering tone is the fact that no definite rhyme scheme is used throughout Love Song. For example, one stanza includes mostly rhyming words, ending lines with words such as dare, stair, and hair, and then thin, chin, and pin. But the next couple of lines in the stanza may have no rhyme pattern at all, and the same goes for the next stanza; its totally fragmented. This wavering rhyme scheme cleverly adds to the notion of an indecisive Prufrock. Besides the wavering rhyme scheme, the overall tone suggests that Prufrock is very uneasy and indecisive. Prufrock really does continually ask questions, always questioning things. This may seem normal, but considering the subject matter and the uneasy feeling connoted with them, this mode of thought does not come off as entirely healthy. There are close to 20 stanzas in Love Song, and in almost all of them, Prufrock is questioning something. Whether the subject matter consists of whether he should disturb the universe or not, or how he should deal with people who ask him how his day is, he is constantly questioning everything. He almost mockingly asserts his indecisive manners by saying Do I dare disturb the universe? In a minute there is time for decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse (45-48). Essentially, he is declaring that he can make a decision now, with only a minute left, but since in one minute there will be no time anyway, hes leaving it at that. This feeling of time passing too rapidly is present throughout the poem. More than a couple of times he says, And indeed there will be time, or a variation of this line, which not only adds to his irresolute manner, but also reiterates the fact that he often trails off and picks up another topic on a whim again, recalling Holden Caulfields digressive tendencies. Prufrock even directly refers to this tendency when he analyzes a womans arm in the lamplight; he says, It is perfume from a dress that makes me so digress? (65-66). He mentions, too, his awareness of the passage of time and of the fact that he is growing old by confirming that he is becoming slightly bald. Ultimately, this realization of mortality makes him afraid: And in short, I was afraid (86). Towards the end of the poem, the tone of Love Song seems to waver more and more, and Prufrock becomes even more of a shaky, uneasy, scared figure. Starting from line 120, he begins to trail off: I grow oldI grow old, filling the readers mind with an image of a man who sits silently, the world passing him by while he ponders questions without answers. The final stanza, solidifies the elusive nature of Prufrocks thoughts: We have lingered in the chambers of the sea By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown Till human voices wake us, and we drown. Through Eliots use of bleak imagery, a wavering tone, and carefully connoted diction, Prufrock is portrayed as a highly uneasy, indecisive, and scared man. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is not a true love song, but instead a plunge into the shades-of-grey world of J. Alfred Prufrock, and ultimately the grave flaws of a fragmented mind.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Corporate communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Corporate communications - Essay Example The corporate communication should be a manifestation of the organization’s responsibility towards society. Let us analyze Nike example regarding the same. Nike has been attacked by NGOs constantly for its attitude for its manufacturing units overseas. Nike claims itself to be a marketing firm rather than a manufacturing one. It entirely out sources its manufacturing and contracts the work across the globe. However more than once it has been embarrassed by the attacks on its overseas operations. In the year 1996, there was a child labor issue when a major story in the Life magazine featured a photograph of a very young Pakistani boy sewing a Nike Soccer ball. In response the co announced that it will raise the minimum age of the factory workers. In the 1970s most Nike shoes were made in Taiwan and South Korea. When the labor in these countries started to organize themselves for better wages and working conditions the company shifted its activities to Indonesia, China and also Vietnam. It is analyzed that Nike preferred these countries due to their poor enforcement of labor laws and also cheap labor availability. However in October 2000 , the BBC exposed Nike factory in Cambodia which broke its own strict code of conduct and rules. Post this, Nike promised to remove all underage workers from its factories and assured to pay for their education till the age of 16. In 1997, Nike was exposed for its hazardous conditions in south-east Asian factories where the labor was subjected to toxic material and fumes. All this while Nike tried to avoid responsibility for factory conditions by saying that they are â€Å"just buyers†, but the anti-sweatshop movement has refused to accept the excuse. The movement also forced Nike to take responsibility for the workers who make their products. The company incorporated CSR into its overall business strategy, which was necessary for its survival. The question arises that did Nike have to wait for the

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Technological solution that can bridge a gap, fix a problem or somehow Research Proposal

Technological solution that can bridge a gap, fix a problem or somehow benefit risk, crisis or emergency management - Research Proposal Example Robotics or robot technology can play a significant part in this context, which supports quick reaction in tough and unsafe working environments by substituting employees to perform the risky tasks. Fulfilling the requirements of such risky tasks involves independent control, planning and navigation, instrument fusion and machine astuteness. Robot technology can be used for preventing any problem or issue while ensuring quality and safety of human beings (Habib & Baudoin, 2010). The paper will describe the most significant problems for emergency management, and will propose the requirement for using robotic technological solutions to bridge the gap and accomplish the objectives. Crisis management is a significant area in robot technology which is developed for making major impacts towards dealing with emergency situations. The robots are expected to support in emergency conducts by improving the safety and the security of people throughout the operations. Robots can use advanced instruments and tools in those circumstances which are inconvenient for general people. The recent improvements in robot system and equipment have made the work of rescuing people possible even in harsh environments. Human beings face several difficulties in managing crisis due to several obstructions of environment, which create a gap in performance and objectives of crisis management. The robot technology provides one of the best solutions for bridging the gap in crisis management as it can perform better compared to human beings and certain other technologies (Tadokoro, Matsuno, Nardi, & Jacof, 2009). Presently, the computer and information technology (IT) has brought significant revolution in data processing. The utilization of computer technology and IT is widely spread in present era. Traditionally, the computer and IT was only limited to management of files, however, nowadays they are being used in observing the condition of entire planet and helping to generate

Friday, January 24, 2020

Signification of Icons in a Computer GUI :: Icons Symbols Essays

Signification of Icons in a Computer GUI In 1867 in his paper "On a New List of Categories", Charles Peirce said that there were three kinds of signs: icons, indices, and symbols. According to Thomas Sebeok "a sign is said to be iconic when there is a topological similarity between a signifier and its denotata". Icons are then something that resembles the object that they represent. That similarity between icon and object is fundamentally what sets icons apart from the other two kinds of signs. Indices do not have any similarity with their significants, but have a cause and effect relationship. Symbols do not have any direct relationship with an object other than the meaning that imposed or collectively agreed upon a group of humans. In this paper I want to reflect only on one of the three kinds of signs in Peirce triad. I have selected the icon for this discussion because this is currently one of the most common used and misunderstood terms in our society. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the fact that some very particular pictures called icons have appeared in millions of computer screens around the world. These so called icons are the core elements of the concept called "graphical user interface" (GUI). The GUI is the computer industry's attempt to make personal computing a reality for every one. This virtual environment provides pictures that are suppose to be familiar and allows users to interact directly with them by virtue of a kinesthetic action like the movement of a mouse. This has proven to be a lot more appealing for a great amount of people as oppose to having to memorize and type verbal (symbolic) computer commands. Computer icons within a GUI are supposed to resemble some real object. The success of an icon on communicating the right meaning to the user depends on the accuracy of the representation and, of course, the user's ability to recognize the relationship. Notice that a computer system will have all kinds of signs built in to communicate with the user. Key words and sentences that provide instructions or alert the user of the status of the system are symbols. A user is considered computer literate when he or she can understand those symbols. Another way in which a computer system communicates with a user is by means of indices. When a system is turned on or off, a light that indicates the status of the system is an index.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Individual Writing Assignment Essay

The role of work experience in successful adult learning is a recurrent topic of professional discussion. In their article, Guile and Griffiths (2001) provide the detailed review of what experience is, how it works in different work contexts, and how students learn and expand their practical knowledge through work experience. The authors state that the two main trends of work experience and learning are being discussed in European literature: the first one discusses work experiences of younger students (14-18) as a part of full-time education; the second one is about work experiences in countries with well-developed VET systems, in which apprenticeships serve an alternative to the basic education (Guile & Griffiths 2001). Guile and Griffiths (2001) state that the time has come to reassess the relationship between education and work experience and provide a brief discussion of the concept of â€Å"context† and several models of learning through work experience. The article contributes to the understanding of learning in work settings in several ways. First, the work context is not static but an ever evolving combination of conditions and objects (Guile & Griffiths 2001). The changes in context prioritize learning and knowledge sharing and expand the definition of skill (Guile & Griffiths 2001). Second, work contexts make it possible for individuals to learn and develop through contact with more experienced others (Guile & Griffiths 2001). Finally, earlier approaches to workplace learning are no longer workable: the authors discuss traditional, experiental, generic, work process, and connectivity models of learning through work experience (Guile & Griffiths 2001). These models reconceptualize learning through work experience in several different ways. Guile and Griffiths (2001) suggest the last, connective model of learning through work experience be the one to provide a new curriculum framework and more effective connections between formal and informal learning. Learning through work settings: andragogy vs. pedagogy  What Guile and Griffiths (2001) discuss in their article presents a unique combination of andragogy and pedagogy. Although Guile and Griffiths (2001) do not mention the word â€Å"andragogy† and emphasize the relevance of pedagogic approaches to work experience, the features of adult learning are being present in all learning models. Guile and Griffiths (2001) discuss the models and approaches that are based on need; they are problem-centered, respective to job, collaborative, and mutual between facilitator and learner. These are the features of adult learning which Podsen (2002) discusses in her book. Simultaneously, the process of learning through work experience is not self-directed but is linked to the curriculum, sequenced in terms of content and subject matter and designed to enhance and speed up the transmittal of skills, experience, and information (Podsen, 2002). Although learning through work experience provides students with some degree of autonomy, work experience, according to Guile and Griffiths (2001) is still a part of the academic and vocational programs, which are both directed and evaluated by teachers. Nevertheless, work experience provides better knowledge sharing opportunities compared with the traditional pedagogic approaches to learning. Work experience and work context enable the development and maintenance of arrangements between workplaces and educational institutions (Guile & Griffiths 2001). These models do not simply allow schools and agencies to manage these arrangement more effectively but turn into a valuable extension of traditional school and college curriculums. Unfortunately, pedagogy tends to limit resources available through work experiences and often views work contexts as stable and static. To raise the efficiency of work experiences and learning in work contexts, educational and HR professionals must be open to the benefits of adult learning, which would make learning in workplace settings more flexible, practical, and relevant. The traditional model of work experience In their article, Guile and Griffiths (2001) provide a brief discussion of the traditional model of work experience. The legacy of traditional models of learning through work experience is evident through the prism of traditional apprenticeship programs and general education curriculums in Europe (Guile & Griffiths 2001). Until recently, the basic apprenticeship programs in workplace environments have been designed to help students mould their skills in practical contexts; as a result, the traditional model of work experience emphasized the assimilation and adaptation as the two basic features of education and training (Guile & Griffiths 2001). Today, traditional models of work experience are fairly regarded as a form of the â€Å"launch† perspective on the interaction between learning and workplace settings – traditional models of work experience help to understand and predict what individuals will choose to do in each particular work situation (Guile & Griffiths 2001). Professionals in education and HR specialists can apply to traditional work experience models, in order to set the necessary trajectory of later learning (Guile & Griffiths 2001). Traditional models of work experience can be used to launch students into the real world of work (Guile & Griffiths 2001). Unfortunately, the vision of work experience as the â€Å"launch† into later workplace learning leaves little or no room for determining how students will develop at the later stages of workplace learning (Guile & Griffiths 2001). Traditional models of work experience present few or no opportunities to reframe their content and to make them more flexible and adaptable to the workplace needs of students. Work experience: possible problems and barriers The lack of content reframing opportunities is not the only problem with traditional models of work experience. In their article, Guile & Griffiths (2001) omit considerable information about what barriers students can meet in their way to learning from traditional workplace contexts. First of all, Guile and Griffiths (2001) speak about the traditional workplace model as the â€Å"launch† perspective on learning in workplace contexts. Yet, the authors do not write anything about whether students are prepared to be in workplace environments and what must they must do to integrate with the learning atmosphere in the workplace. Second, the question is in how students will adjust to the contrast between familiar school environments and workplace experiences. Third, Kolb’s model of experiental learning could add value to the traditional model of work experience by providing teachers and HR professionals with a better understanding of students’ learning styles. Students that engage in workplace learning can be activists, reflectors, theorists, and pragmatists (Atherton, 2009). The significance of each particular learning style is in trying to help teachers and students to adjust to their personal and learning peculiarities and the features of their learning style (Atherton, 2009). Obviously, professional negligence to learning style differences can become a major barrier to effective learning. Unfortunately, in their discussion of the traditional model of work experience Guile and Griffiths (2001) do not mention any of these potential problems. To make the traditional learning model adaptable, flexible, and workable, HR professionals must account for these personal and learning differences, to ensure that they can set the necessary trajectory of learning at later stages of work experience. Still, the traditional model in ways Guile and Griffiths (2001) discuss it could be of value to HR professionals, who support the development of a ‘learning organization’. The traditional model of work experience and a ‘learning organization’ â€Å"A learning organization needs people who are intellectually curious about their work, who actively reflect on their experience, who develop experience-based theories of change and continuously test these in practice† (Serrat, 2009). Experience is critical for the success of all learning initiatives in organizations. In this sense, the traditional model of work experience can set the pace and the direction of learning in organizations. HR professionals can apply to the traditional model to ‘launch’ students and to help them integrate with the new workplace environment. The traditional model can set the stage for developing experience-based theories and initiatives at the later stages of learning and to make practitioners more reflective. The traditional model can also help HR specialists learn more about students and their first successes at work, to be able to adjust their learning styles and preferences to the specific needs of the workplace. All these actions will benefit and favor learning in organizations. The traditional model can become an invaluable source of knowledge about learning, which HR professionals will use to develop more effective learning strategies to be used in their organizations. Conclusion Work experience provides students with valuable learning opportunities. Organizations and education professionals step away from the traditional â€Å"static† vision of workplace contexts and position work as a flexible and ever-changing source of practical knowledge. In their article, Guile and Griffiths (2001) discuss a number of work experience models. The traditional model, according to Guile and Griffiths (2001), gives education professionals a chance to set the needed learning trajectory and redirect individuals toward the desired learning goals. However, education and HR specialists must account for the learning style differences and support students, as they are trying to adjust to unfamiliar workplace environments. Otherwise, HR professionals would not be able to use the traditional model for the benefit of learning in organizations.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

What Do Killer Bees Look Like

Unless you are a trained bee expert, you will not be able to tell killer bees apart from your garden variety honey bees. Killer bees, which are more properly called African honey bees, are a subspecies of the European honey bees kept by beekeepers. The physical differences between African honey bees and European honey bees are almost imperceptible to the non-expert. Scientific Identification Entomologists usually dissect a suspected killer bee and use careful measurements of as many as 20 different body parts to aid in identification. Today, scientists can also use DNA testing to confirm that a honey bee contains African bloodlines. Physical Identification Although it can be difficult to tell an African honey bee from a European honey bee, if the two are side-by-side you may see a slight difference in size. African bees are typically 10 percent smaller than the European variety. It is very difficult to tell with the naked eye. Behavioral Identification Absent the help of a bee expert, you may be able to recognize killer bees by their significantly more aggressive behavior when compared to their more docile European counterparts. African honeybees defend their nests vigorously. An African honey bee colony may include 2,000 soldier bees, ready to defend and attack if a threat is perceived. European honey bees typically have just 200 soldiers guarding the hive. Killer bees also produce more drones, which are the male bees that mate with new queens. While both kinds of bees will protect the hive if attacked, the intensity of the response is very different. A European honey bee defense will usually include 10 to 20 guard bees to respond to a threat within 20 yards of the hive. An African honey bee response would send several hundred bees with a range six times greater of up to 120 yards. Killer bees react quicker, attack in greater numbers, and pursue a threat longer than other honey bees. African bees will respond to a threat in less than five seconds, while the calmer European bees may take 30 seconds to react. A victim of a killer bee attack may suffer 10 times as many stings as from a European honey bee attack. Killer bees also tend to stay agitated longer. European honey bees usually calm down after about 20 minutes of being agitated. Meanwhile, their African cousins can remain upset several hours following a defensive incident. Habitat Preferences African bees live on the move, swarming much more frequently than European bees. Swarming is when a queen leaves a hive and tens of thousands of worker bees follow in order to find and form a new hive. African bees have a tendency to have smaller nests that they will more readily abandon. They swarm from six to 12 times a year. European bees usually only swarm once a year. Their swarms tend to be larger. If foraging opportunities are scarce, killer bees will take their honey and run, traveling for some distance in search of a new home. Sources: Africanized Honey Bees, San Diego Natural History Museum, (2010). Africanized Honey Bee Information, in Brief, UC Riverside, (2010). Africanized Honey Bees, Ohio State University Extension, (2010).