Friday, July 26, 2019

Rebuttal Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rebuttal Argument - Essay Example Furthermore, studying the article is necessary in order to acknowledge that there are companies that consider diversity training as one of the tools that led their companies into success. According to Dobbin, Kalev, and Kelly, diversity training is an expensive training tool. The researchers added that this process only has extremely few and even no effects on companies that practice diversity training. Also, diversity training is only present because it is mandated by law. Furthermore, this obligatory training cannot at all eliminate biases that are already engraved within employees (611). One of the points of the article is that diversity training does not work. Nonetheless, it is important to provide a concrete definition of diversity training that can easily be grasped by the audience. This may be a small part of the argument, but defining it in a simpler manner will bring light to the heavy issue being tackled. In this case, it is essential to define diversity training as a prog ram that enables employees and future employees to give importance to diversity. This training also aims in lessening discrimination in the workplace (Ford and Fisher qtd. in Konrad, Prasad, and Pringle 63). Furthermore, in any business, it is essential to be constantly reminded that the employees are the most vital tool for the success of a company. Therefore, with this fact, it is inevitable that a company or a business will fund for the continuous training and learning of its employees, which also include diversity training. The article emphasizes, as supported by a research that there have been no positive implications of diversity training. It cited that there has been no increase of female or minority managers in companies. However, it is indispensable to acknowledge that diversity training does not only aim to increase the number of female or minority managers, but it aims to allow an efficient and productive working environment for every individual. Such as in Sodexo, a serv ice company that manages food and facilities services which incorporates diversity learning materials to its business philosophies. The company had successfully incorporated diversity training in all aspect of the company which led the company to$14.8 billion revenue (Anand and Winters 363). In addition, diversity training aims to discuss the similarities and differences of every individual and to inform every employee of the legalities of prejudices in the working environment (Tropp 183). Also, diversity training is composed of different methods and approaches; therefore, holistically considering it with no positive implications to a company will be unfair. The different approaches and methods bring different results, and with a continuous improvement and usage of different approaches, a company will eventually find the right model for its industry and employees. Also, in the article, it cited that diversity training produces backlash and that it could also produce and ignite biase s. Moreover, the result of the study also shows that there is the stereotypes and the biases that are already inculcated within the employees cannot be easily diminished in a one-day seminar or workshop in relation to diversity in the workplace (Dobbin, Kalev, and Kelly 591 and 611). In contrary, diversity training must be inculcated in every employee and must become a habit. It is

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