Thursday, August 22, 2019

The first experiment Essay Example for Free

The first experiment Essay In the three experiments, we see how different objects fall. We should take note that the experiments are employed with the presence of air (and thus, air friction). In the first case, the quarter dollar coin is bigger and heavier than the penny; therefore, it will drop faster because its gravitational force is greater than that of the penny. Even if there is an air friction which is opposite the direction of gravity, it only has a minimal effect on the coins. In the second case, the crumpled paper falls faster than the uncrumpled one. This is because the presence of air friction acts greater with the uncrumpled paper as its surface is greater, hence creating a bigger space for air friction to occur. The crumpled paper, on the other hand, falls faster because of its compacted state. Its gravitational pull acts greater than the opposing air friction. Thirdly, the case of the coin dropped from the index card accounts for the coin to fall faster. This is because it has greater mass (and therefoe, greater gravitational force) tan the index card. Generally, the mass and weight of an object are major characteristics to consider in predicting its rate of fall. The greater the mass or weight, the faster will it fall. This is primarily due to the fact that gravitational force is mass (m) times acceleration die to gravity (g = constant at 9. 8 m/s2). In the same way, the shape and surface of an object also contribute to its rate of fall. The more compact or solid the object, the faster it will fall; the bigger the surface area, the more slowly it will fall. The frictional force is responsible for this slow down. 2. Describe the difference (in both what happens and why) between a person who jumps from an airplane with a parachute and one who jumps without a parachute. If a parachute is used, what would be the difference when the same size parachute is used on a person and then used on an elephant? In the first instance where a person jumps from an airplane with a parachute (say, person A), as compared to the person without a parachute (person B), person A will be able to land in a safer manner since the chute provides for a decrease in the person’s acceleration towards the ground. As person A drops down, the chute slows down his velocity by adding the oppositely directed air friction; meaning, as the downward velocity increases (or as person A accelerates downward), an upward force (which is the air friction sifted by the parachute) reduces the acceleration, thus creating less impact on person A’s landing. Contrastingly, person B will drop downwards in an accelerating manner, where the increased velocity will account for a less safe landing. In the second instance, the size is given focus with regard to the velocity and acceleration of the falling person/animal. Given the same sizes of parachutes used, a person (say, person C) and an elephant (say, Dumbo) are dropped down from an altitude. The effect would be that Dumbo will fall faster than person C despite the same sizes of chutes. Dumbo’s size accounts for the increase in velocity, as it has been established that mass is a factor for acceleration according to Newton’s First Law of Motion (F = ma or a = F / m). Person C will then fall more slowly as compared to Dumbo’s acceleration. The parachute may provide a decrease in acceleration, but this is more observable in person C’s experience.

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