Thursday, October 24, 2019

Sexual Harassment Essay -- Social Issues Violence Crime Essays

Sexual Harassment Unwelcome sexual behavior has been a serious problem in our society for many years. We need to focus more on this problem, because a lot of men still don’t take it seriously, it happens, because they don’t know the real definition of sexual harassment. Men and women explain in differently. When 1200 men and women were asked if they would consider sexual proposition flattering 68% of men said they would, and only 17% of the women agreed. At the same time 63% of women would be insulted by it and only 15% of men. The major question today is: What should be considered sexual assault? Many people believe that the seriousness of it is evident, however there are some that disagree, they disagree of what sexual harassment is. What is sexual harassment? –Unwelcome sexual behavior, but another may not unwelcome what is unwelcome by one. People have been arguing on what should be considered sexual harassment and finely came up with a definition for it. Its requests for sexual favors, suggestive looks, and sexual remarks, deliberate touching, pressure for dates, letters and calls, actual or attempted rape (Verbal and physical conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment). A lot of people feel that categorizing everything from rape to â€Å"looks† as unwelcome sexual behavior makes all of as victims. Should it always be considered an illegal harassment, when a man makes an obscene comment to a woman on the street, when behavior which one woman takes as harassment, could be seen by another as a non-threatening joke. Many believe that legal definition of sexual harassment threatens the freedom of speech; one man’s vulgarity is another mans lyric, and many of the cases are simp... ... to believe it is acceptable to abuse and harass female. To reduce unwelcome sexual behavior men must reexamine their attitudes towards it. We have to establish strong, clear sexual harassment policies in the work places where the majority are men. Women must report all incidents out of fear that their lives and careers would be harmed. Now days law covers any remark or behavior that a â€Å" reasonable women† would find to be threatening. Is that enough? Does it really protect women? Some say yes, and some say no, but as sexual harassment continuous to happened in our society something has to be done. Bibliography. Violent relationships. Texas: Information plus, 1999. Wekeseer c. and Swisher K. Sexual harassment. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1992. Black, Beryl. Coping with sexual harassment. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, INK. , 1996. Sexual Harassment Essay -- Social Issues Violence Crime Essays Sexual Harassment Unwelcome sexual behavior has been a serious problem in our society for many years. We need to focus more on this problem, because a lot of men still don’t take it seriously, it happens, because they don’t know the real definition of sexual harassment. Men and women explain in differently. When 1200 men and women were asked if they would consider sexual proposition flattering 68% of men said they would, and only 17% of the women agreed. At the same time 63% of women would be insulted by it and only 15% of men. The major question today is: What should be considered sexual assault? Many people believe that the seriousness of it is evident, however there are some that disagree, they disagree of what sexual harassment is. What is sexual harassment? –Unwelcome sexual behavior, but another may not unwelcome what is unwelcome by one. People have been arguing on what should be considered sexual harassment and finely came up with a definition for it. Its requests for sexual favors, suggestive looks, and sexual remarks, deliberate touching, pressure for dates, letters and calls, actual or attempted rape (Verbal and physical conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment). A lot of people feel that categorizing everything from rape to â€Å"looks† as unwelcome sexual behavior makes all of as victims. Should it always be considered an illegal harassment, when a man makes an obscene comment to a woman on the street, when behavior which one woman takes as harassment, could be seen by another as a non-threatening joke. Many believe that legal definition of sexual harassment threatens the freedom of speech; one man’s vulgarity is another mans lyric, and many of the cases are simp... ... to believe it is acceptable to abuse and harass female. To reduce unwelcome sexual behavior men must reexamine their attitudes towards it. We have to establish strong, clear sexual harassment policies in the work places where the majority are men. Women must report all incidents out of fear that their lives and careers would be harmed. Now days law covers any remark or behavior that a â€Å" reasonable women† would find to be threatening. Is that enough? Does it really protect women? Some say yes, and some say no, but as sexual harassment continuous to happened in our society something has to be done. Bibliography. Violent relationships. Texas: Information plus, 1999. Wekeseer c. and Swisher K. Sexual harassment. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1992. Black, Beryl. Coping with sexual harassment. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, INK. , 1996.

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