Monday, December 30, 2019
Hamlet By William Shakespeare s Hamlet - 1206 Words
Humanity in Hamlet The play Hamlet shows how, Humans are the most complex species on the planet earth. Ever since the history has been keeping records, we have seen how humans reacted under different circumstances. Human feelings are like a ripple effect. Many people are affected by the decisions they make. Humans could be either very cruel or show great compassion and kindness towards each other. The William Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet shows how human nature can be greedy, revengeful and cruel. All these sides of human nature are an example of the ripple effect caused by the decisions of an individual. The theme of greed is seen though the play Hamlet portrayed by different characters under different circumstances. The opposing character of the play is Claudius, all the conflict is caused by him. Throughout the play audience gets aware of how he killed his brother so he can claim the crowned greed of being the new King of Denmark. His blinded by the greed which made him forget the relationship he had with his brother. Claudius â€Å"that cannot be; since I am still possess’d. Of those effects for which I did the murder, My crown, mine own ambition, and my queen(Act 3 Scene 3 56-59). In this soliloquy Claudius asks for forgiveness but he comes to notice that he can’t be forgiven because of what he possesses and what he has done. Due to what he possess he struggles to feel sorry for his actions. He sacrificed the happiness of others for his own selfish reasons. Characters in theShow MoreRelatedHamlet : William Shakespeare s Hamlet1259 Words  | 6 PagesOmar Sancho Professor Christopher Cook English 201-0810 Hamlet Paper 23 May 2016 Hamlet Character Analysis â€Å"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.†(Act 2, Scene 2, 239-251) Hamlet by William Shakespeare is one of the most famous plays written that conveys a multitude theme. But most predominant is the presence of Hamlet s obsession with philosophy of life, throughout the play Hamlet philosophy reviles his point of view love, loyalty, the importance of family and friendsRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet - Hamlet1160 Words  | 5 PagesPart 1: Hamlet Word Count: 1000 In what ways does Shakespeare s Hamlet explore the human mind? The play Hamlet written by William Shakespeare, is seen to be an exploration of the human mind and shows the consequences our actions have when they are acted in pure impulse and emotion instead of being thought about. The character Hamlet makes majority of his decision in the heat of the moment, but had trouble deciding which action to take after intense consideration. The actions that Hamlet doesRead MoreHamlet By William Shakespeare s Hamlet1936 Words  | 8 PagesWilliam Shakespeare s, Hamlet, written in the seventeenth century and first performed in 1602, is still a complex and intriguing play that encompasses many Jungian archetypes in relation to the setting and characters. This play was approximately four centuries old before Shakespeare reworked it for the stage. Hamlet is based on events involving the death of the King of Denmark according to the Norse legends. This paper deals with a small portion of the entirety of the events in Hamlet. ScholarsRead MoreWilliam Shakesp eare s Hamlet - Hamlet And The Ghost Essay1550 Words  | 7 PagesAlthough written over 400 hundred years ago, Hamlet remains a puzzling and complex play, partially due to the ambiguous Queen Gertrude. The Queen is a puzzling character as her motives are unclear and readers question her intentions throughout the play. Townsend and Pace in The Many Faces Of Gertrude: Opening And Closing Possibilities In Classroom Talk view her â€Å"as a simple-minded, shallow woman...who has no self beyond a sexual one†while Harmonie Loberg in Queen Gertrude: Monarch, Mother, MurdererRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet Essay902 Words  | 4 PagesTo be, or not to be; that s the question†(Act III, Scene 1, P.1127) is of the most widely circulated lines. As we all know, it is also the most important part of the drama, â€Å"Hamlet†, which is one of the most famous tragedy in the literature written by William Shakespeare between from 1599 to1602. The drama was written at the age of Renaissance that reflects the reality of the British society in sixteenth century to early seventeenth century. During that period, Britain was in the era of reverseRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet 1265 Words  | 6 PagesWe have all been guilty at some point in our lives of trying to act like a conflict we ve had has not existed or been a problem at all. In William Shakespeare s Hamlet we are bombarded with characters that are avoiding conflict by acting like they don t exist. Although majority of my classmates felt Hamlet was a play about revenge, I believe Shakespeare is addressing the issue of chaos and how it cannot be rectified by conjuring up a false reality; it only pushes the conflict into further disarrayRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet 1130 Words  | 5 PagesHoratio and Hamlet that demonstrate how he changes from the beginning to the end of the play. In the epic tragedy Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Prince Hamlet is trapped in a world of evil that is not his fault. Hamlet’s demeanor and attitude fluctuate over the course of the play. While Hamlet means well and is portrayed to be very sensitive and moral, at times he can appear to be overruled by the madness and darkness from the tragedy of his father s murder. His dealings with his dad s ghostlyRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet 1116 Words  | 5 PagesTeresa Fang Professor Moore Humanities 310 28 October 2015 To Seek Revenge or to Wait? Hamlet is a very enigmatic fellow. In Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the theme of revenge is presented as a controversial one. Before the play was set, Prince Hamlet’s uncle and new stepfather, King Claudius, had taken part in the assassination of his brother, old King Hamlet. Old King Hamlet died without a chance to receive forgiveness for his sins. As a result, his spirit is condemned to walk the earthRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet 1077 Words  | 5 Pagessuch as William Shakespeare have 4dictated their works in a way that allows for them to integrate common occurrences of new psychological findings into a text, giving them an opportunity to sculpt characters that differentiate themselves from one another. Psychoanalytical Criticism is the application of psychological studies incorporated into the findings of contemporary literature, principles founded by Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan are most commonly referred to in these texts. Hamlet is an identityRe ad MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet 2273 Words  | 10 Pages William Shakespeare was an English playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world s pre-eminent dramatist. Shakespeare is perhaps most famous for his tragedies. Most of his tragedies were written in a seven-year period between 1601 and 1608. One of these tragedies is his famous play Hamlet. The age of Shakespeare was a great time in English history. The reign of Queen Elizabeth saw England emerge as the leading naval and commercial power of the
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Hip Hop Is Here At Stay - 2053 Words
Khaaliq Crowder Professor Allen World Civilization October 13th, 2015 It’s Official: Hip-Hop is Here to Stay Published by Rolling Stone Written by Ezra Cox || March 23, 2003 â€Å"I’m very proud to live in a country that guarantees every citizen including artists the right to sing and say what we believe†(Oscars, Lose Yourself winning Best Original Song Oscar ®Ã¢â‚¬ ) says Barbara Streisand, as she announces the nominees for Best Original Song. This took place last night at the 75th Annual Academy Awards. As she opens the envelope with her eyes and mouth wide open, she announces the Oscar winner for the Best Song in a Motion Picture category. It is Luis Resto, Jeff Bass and Eminem for the song â€Å"Lose Yourself†from the hit movie this past year, 8†¦show more content†¦First I would like to tell you a little about myself. This is my first article ever published in a magazine. Rolling Stone is my first job straight out of college. I finished college back in May 2002 at New York University with a degree in Journalism. I landed my job with the magazine as one of the editors saw a blog post of mine. With the growing popula rity of computer and the internet, I decided to start blogging as a way to pass time while I was looking for a post-college job and a way to move out of my parent’s house. I grew up in a middle-class family in Scarsdale which is located in Westchester County about forty minutes north of New York City. My Irish-American mother is a flight attendant while my dad who came from London, England is a lawyer. I’m the oldest of four children. Before hip hop became a movement shared by the world it was New York City’s best kept secret. And it was an example of how blacks and Latinos were known to be the trailblazers in American culture. â€Å"The history of hip-hop’s origins among African American and Puerto Rican youth in the South Bronx is commonly recited†(Ogbar, 3). Factors that â€Å"gave rise to hip-hop in New York City†(Ogbar, 3) in the 1970s -- the decade prior to my birth -- included the fact of â€Å"the Black Power movement and Puerto R ican nationalist activism†(Ogbar, 3) beginning to wane. â€Å"The most important direct influence on the creation of hip hop music is the Jamaican
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Microsoft Free Essays
Question 1 Developing customer intimacy is essential for developing a sustainable competitive advantage. Whether the products of an organization will have any market potential depends on whether the customers like them or not. Therefore the management of an organization will have to develop an intimate understanding of the customers’ tastes and preferences if that organization is to stay of ahead of the competition. We will write a custom essay sample on Microsoft or any similar topic only for you Order Now The process of developing customer intimacy is to conduct periodic market research on what the customer expectations are. One of the first companies to market itself through developing customer intimacy was Dell Computers. Michael Dell wanted to build computers not through idea generation from its internal engineering personnel but through data collection on what the customers’ tastes and preferences were. The founder of the company himself spent a significant amount of time with the customers to determine what they wanted to see most in a computer. The hardware manufacturing company also developed a website by means of which the customers could share their opinions with the company. As a result, the company hit the fortune 500 list in a very short time. Being in constant touch with customer requirements enabled Dell to develop customer intimacy that also enabled them to develop their products and services very quickly. Question 2 The external environment of an organization is the industry in which it operates. The industry is affected by a number of forces such as political, economic, sociological and technological. Therefore a business organization in particular has to conduct a PEST analysis periodically. A company such as Microsoft has to take into account the forces of the external environment very carefully. On first appearances, the political environment would not seem to affect Microsoft’s operations significantly. However Microsoft is frequently thrust into anti-trust suits the outcome of which would depend considerably on the prevailing political environment. The company would be hard hit if the country it is operating in went through an economic downturn. Whenever there is an economic downturn, companies tend to invest less and one of the first operations that experience cost-cutting is information technology. Therefore, demand for Microsoft’s products and services would go down when the economic environment is unfavorable. Corporate social responsibility is a very critical issue in today’s business environment. Therefore Microsoft has to fund community projects from time to time in order to endear itself to the society. That is part of the sociological environment. Also relevant in this respect is how the society views the complexities of adopting new technologies. Microsoft would also be affected very significantly by technological shifts. For example, when the use of the internet caught on, Microsoft had to reengineer itself completely to stay in business because previously it had decided not to enter the Internet. Question 3 Price is the risk that is at the forefront of the customers’ minds when making a purchase. When making a purchase, consumers must make sure that the price they are paying is equivalent to the value they are receiving in return. If this risk remains high for the customer, then the company will have a negative image in the minds of the customers. Therefore the management of that company must work to reduce that risk. One method is to offer customers price guarantees. This means that the customers will be paying the lowest possible price available anywhere. Some companies even offer to lower the price even further by a certain percentage if after purchase, the customer comes across another company offering a lower price still. Price guarantees are an admirable way to attract customers in the current age of the Internet because a lot of customers prefer to make their purchases online if the products they are looking for are available there. This enables to them go price shopping. Rather than walking miles to compare prices, customers shopping online can simply surf and compare sitting in the comforts of home. If they come across a certain company offering price matching or price beating, then customers will be hooked immediately because they can stop price shopping right there. Another perceived consumer risk is how they will be viewed by the society when they buy a certain product. The way to mitigate this risk is to promote certain products as status symbols and the demographics of the people who purchase those products. That will have a positive effect on the customer psyche. Question 4 The phenomenon of price sensitivity is a function of demand and supply. When prices are lower, people buy more and vice versa. However there are times when demand peaks and during these times there is lower price sensitivity. Business organizations can take advantage of these times to raise the prices of their products and services in order to maximize their revenue. For example many people like to go skiing during school vacations. As a result, skiing resorts raise their prices when school is in half term because that is the time when demand for skiing is very high. All the parents like to take their kids skiing during that time and they are willing to pay a higher price at the time. So peaks and troughs in demand are the top influencers of price sensitivity. In other words, the management of the business organization has a powerful tool in the form of price sensitivity by taking demand seasonality into consideration. However price sensitivity also depends type of goods. If the goods in question are necessity goods, then price sensitivity will significantly affect buying behavior. If the goods are status symbols however, then raising prices will not affect demand. Question 5 A business organization must promote its products and services in order to attract demand. The management has four methods with which to conduct the promoting. It might want to go for advertising. Usually the media used for this form of communication is radio, television or the internet. It is a non- personal form of communication. The advantage with this form of communication is that it has a wide reach. If the advertising is broadcast by means of the television for example, then millions of people will be exposed to the message. It also has a high emotional value. The second form of communication is personal selling. As the name implies, this has a personal touch because usually the company sends out its sales representatives door to door promoting its products and services. The advantage with this form of communication is that consumers can ask questions and find out whatever they need to find out about the products immediately. Another form of communication is sales promotion whereby consumers get something else into the bargain when they purchase a product. The advantage with this form of communication is that it motivates the consumers to consider buying something that they had not bought before. Last but not the least in the list of communication techniques is public relations. This promotional technique is most useful when the management is trying to build a good corporate image. BIBILIOGRAPHY Kotler, Philip., and Gary Armstrong. Principles of Marketing. Prentice Hall. 2005. Cateora, Philip, and John Graham. International Marketing. Prentice Hall. 2005. Kerin, Roger A., et al. Marketing. McGraw Hill/Irwin. 2005. Nagle, Thomas T., and John Hogan. The Strategy Tactics of Pricing: A Guide to Growing More Profitably . South western college pub. 2007.  How to cite Microsoft, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Civilian Devastation Essay Example For Students
Civilian Devastation Essay Civilian Devastation: Abuses by All Parties in the War in Southern SudanIntroduction and SummaryThe story of the trouble in the Sudan began with the story of the trouble in Africa itself, which started over 600 years ago from about 1400 A.D. when Africa began paying the price for the misfortunes of the New World, the Old World, and especially Western Europe. In the last fifty years, the continent has had its independence from their colonizers. However, we know that domestic colonialism exists, imposed upon the continent by Africans themselves. The Sudan, located in eastern Africa, has a population of approximately twenty-five million people within one million square miles. This makes the Sudan the largest land area in the continent of Africa. The southern third of Sudan, which occupies a larger land area than many neighboring countries, now has a population of about four and a half million people. One would think that as one of the largest and most populous regions, it should be a positive role model for the entire continent. Well, it is not. It is just a gross example of how bad things are in Africa. Sudan is internationally recognized as an economic basket case. It owes over $1.62 billion to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In the underdeveloped south, war, flood, drought, disease, and mismanagement have rendered useless ordinary survival strategies and made millions wholly or partially dependant on emergency food assistance provided by the U.N. and foreign agencies-that is, when the government or rebels do not prevent the civilian population from receiving this relief. Keeping food from the civilians does not even begin to describe the depth of government abuses in southern Sudan. Civil war has raged in southern Sudan since 1983, claiming the lives of some 1.3 million people, all southern civilians. The civilians have been targeted specifically, fallen in indiscriminate fire, or they have been stripped of their assets and displaced, such that they died of starvation and disease. The U.N. estimates that the population of southern Sudan declined by 1.9 percent in the year of 1993, and that the excess morality in that year was 220,000. This rate will continue to increase, and millions more people will die if things continue the way they have been. All parties to the conflict are responsible for the deaths of innocent people. The government and the rebels of the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement/Army (SPLA) are in the forefront of the troubles. In 1991, the SPLA split into two factions, the SPLA-Torit and the breakaway SPLA-Nasir. The two have waged wa r in total disregard of the welfare of the civilian population and in violation of almost every rule of war applicable in an internal armed conflict. A few of the other offenses by the government and rebel parties include:Indiscriminate aerial bombardment of southern population centers;Scorched earth tactics around villages that ultimately displace or kill the civilians. Use of torture and forcible conversion to another religion. Restriction of movement in garrison towns even in times of food scarcity. Killing civilians, lack of due process, inhumane treatment, abductions, etc (2). BackgroundBefore independence in 1956, the British under the Anglo-Egyptian condominium government administered southern Sudan separately from the north. Armed conflict between the northern and southern parts of Sudan began in 1955, before independence. The conflict was punctuated by an autonomy agreement in 1972 that ended the first civil war between southern separatist forces and the central government, then headed by Jaafar Nimieri, a military dictator. In 1983, the second civil war began, and the autonomy has been broken numerous times by the government (19). .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4 , .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4 .postImageUrl , .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4 , .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4:hover , .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4:visited , .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4:active { border:0!important; } .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4:active , .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4 .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8141fa5883ea9a783133f7f62c14c8e4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Detrimental Effects in Changing the Rent Contr EssayThe second civil war was built on the shoulders of the first with the SPLA forming in 1983 in Ethiopia from Anya-Nya II groups and Sudan army mutineers, who were from the 105 Battalion stationed in Bor, Upper Nile. The SPLA experienced political divisions from the outset. John Garang is a former guerrilla who became a Sudan army officer and who emerged as a leader. He advocated a united secular Sudan. Many Anya-Nya II leaders sought the Anya-Nya I objective of secession or self-determination; Garangs supporters and his Ethiopian government army allies attacked them in Ethiopia. The Sudan governments and political part ies aligned with the governments tried
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