Sunday, December 22, 2019

Hip Hop Is Here At Stay - 2053 Words

Khaaliq Crowder Professor Allen World Civilization October 13th, 2015 It’s Official: Hip-Hop is Here to Stay Published by Rolling Stone Written by Ezra Cox || March 23, 2003 â€Å"I’m very proud to live in a country that guarantees every citizen including artists the right to sing and say what we believe† (Oscars, Lose Yourself winning Best Original Song Oscar ®Ã¢â‚¬ ) says Barbara Streisand, as she announces the nominees for Best Original Song. This took place last night at the 75th Annual Academy Awards. As she opens the envelope with her eyes and mouth wide open, she announces the Oscar winner for the Best Song in a Motion Picture category. It is Luis Resto, Jeff Bass and Eminem for the song â€Å"Lose Yourself† from the hit movie this past year, 8†¦show more content†¦First I would like to tell you a little about myself. This is my first article ever published in a magazine. Rolling Stone is my first job straight out of college. I finished college back in May 2002 at New York University with a degree in Journalism. I landed my job with the magazine as one of the editors saw a blog post of mine. With the growing popula rity of computer and the internet, I decided to start blogging as a way to pass time while I was looking for a post-college job and a way to move out of my parent’s house. I grew up in a middle-class family in Scarsdale which is located in Westchester County about forty minutes north of New York City. My Irish-American mother is a flight attendant while my dad who came from London, England is a lawyer. I’m the oldest of four children. Before hip hop became a movement shared by the world it was New York City’s best kept secret. And it was an example of how blacks and Latinos were known to be the trailblazers in American culture. â€Å"The history of hip-hop’s origins among African American and Puerto Rican youth in the South Bronx is commonly recited† (Ogbar, 3). Factors that â€Å"gave rise to hip-hop in New York City† (Ogbar, 3) in the 1970s -- the decade prior to my birth -- included the fact of â€Å"the Black Power movement and Puerto R ican nationalist activism† (Ogbar, 3) beginning to wane. â€Å"The most important direct influence on the creation of hip hop music is the Jamaican

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