Monday, September 23, 2019

Developmental Relations Among Mind, Brain and Education Essay - 5

Developmental Relations Among Mind, Brain and Education - Essay Example This research tells that according to Debbie Zambo, the 1990s saw the burgeoning of neuroscience due to the technological advances. The continued development of technology saw neuroscientists learn more and discover things they had not discovered earlier. They learned a lot about the brain and its functions. This is attributed to the tasks they have performed over time. Technological innovations have definitely helped us a lot in many ways in our daily lives. However, they also have their challenges. The technological innovations in neuroscience have their own challenges that are more evident in education. There is an attempt by neuroscientists and other involved stakeholders to translate a once specialized field that was filled with technicalities. There are findings that can be translated into data that is comprehensible to teachers in their teaching, especially teachers of young children. The relation between these two fields has led to what is known as educational neuroscience. I t is the intersection between education, the mind, and the brain. It has become more common in the materials read by teachers, the curriculum used to teach them and the products they buy. One of the links drawn between neuroscience and education is that information on neuroscience has the power to help teachers learn how children learn, think and regulate themselves. However, the same information also has the power to alter the nurturing and teaching of children. The other link between the two is that it enables the teacher to learn about the different brain structures and their functions. This, in turn, helps the teacher in understanding how different and unique the brains of children are, and how this translates to the actions they take. The education practice engrosses the brain and the link between the two has various challenges.

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