Friday, September 13, 2019

Unit 3 Proposal designs Discussion Research Paper

Unit 3 Proposal designs Discussion - Research Paper Example This is important for the grant seeker, because he or she will be able to quote a reasonable amount of money, in which the organization can afford to give (Karsh and Fox, 2009). The grant seeker can quote a large amount of money that the organization might be unable to provide. For example, an institution such as the Melinda and Bill Gates foundation gives from a few hundred to millions of dollars in terms of grants. On this basis, a grant seeker might not be limited on the amount of money that he or she will ask (Gregory, 2013). Another issue that the grant seeker needs to analyze is the mission and vision of the organization. In seeking sources of funds, the grant seeker has to look if the funding organization under consideration provides funds for the activities or services that it engages in. For example, a grant seeker whose mission is to serve people in the agricultural field cannot seek for funds in an institution that provides funds for religious activities such as the Mustard Seed Foundation. It is a guarantee that the Mustard Seed Foundation won’t approve of their requests (Moore, 2010). However, if he or she applies for funds from institutions such as the Melinda and the Bill Gates foundation, chances are high that he or she may get the funds. Another issue to look at is the application process, and the period upon which the applications are made. For example, the Monsanto fund requires that all funds must supported by a realistic goal, and it must have the descriptions of the project. This is in case the grant seeker needs to achieve success in his or her application. The Monsanto Fund is so serious about the quality of an applicant’s proposal, to an extent that it has given some tips on how to write a good application/proposal (Zunz, 2012). Roberts identifies the mission and vision of an organization as an issue that he will consider when choosing a source of fund. This is an issue that I will also consider, and this is because an

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