Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Importance of English in Tourism Industry
Importance of English in Tourism Industry Introduction What is English, English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England and is now a global lingua franca. It is an official language of almost 60 sovereign states and the most commonly spoken language in sovereign states including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand and a number of Caribbean nations. It is the third-most-common native language in the world, after Mandarin and Spanish. It is widely learned as a second language and is an official language of the European Union and of the United Nations, as well as of many world organisations or group. After this is, Owing to the assimilation of the words from many other languages always from the history, modern English is consists of a very large of the vocabulary, with complex and irregular spelling, specifically of vowels. For the modern English has not only assimilation words from other European languages, but from all over the world. The Oxford English Diction ary lists more than 250,000 of not the same words, not include the many technically, scientific, and slang period. Why the teenagers in the tourism industry are unable to communicate of well in English, what is the communication. The communication is the giving or receive the information, message or the data from other person. The communication is the something we are doing in the life of the everyday. In this way, why the communication from us is very important for other people. The communication also can separate the two types of communication for the example is the verbal communication and the non-verbal communication. The good communication is very important in the tourism industry this is because it is prevent of the misconception and the error or the mistake. Main Body Next, if you is a good or well of communicator. You must speaks expressly to customer, guest and the tourism. After this is, you must listen carefully to listen what are the customer, guest and the tourism says to you. Next, check and confirm the information, message, and the data is correct or not. What is the reason about why the teenagers in tourism industry are unable to communicate are well in English. This is because, the teenagers working in tourism industry have some teenagers is come from other country or the overseas for the example is Vietnam, Brunei, Philippine, Thailand, and also have other country, because the most teenagers come from country in above cannot or don’t know how to speak and communication with the customer, and the guest. This is because every guest come from different country is using the English to communicate or ask the different kind of the question with the other person. Why English is important for us using to communicate or ask the different question from other person. Why English is important for us using every day, the reason is the English may not be the most of spoken language in the world, but it is the official language in a large number of countries and English is forecast that the number of the people in the world that use in English to communicate on a regular basis is 2 billion ! Next, if our can speak or understand the English can easily to understand the question from other person and easily to make or ask question from other and also can improve the relationship with other person. Next is the many of the world’s top films, books and music are published and produced in English. Therefore by the learning English you will have access to a great wealth of the entertainment and will be able to have a greater of theculture understanding, and the most of the content produced on the internet ( 50% ) is in English. So knowing English will allow you access to an incredible amount of information which may not be if not available ! Why the English is very importance for the Hotel Management, this is because in hotel everyday can see the different kind of the traveler or the tourist want to stated in the hotel. Sometimes a lot of the traveler or tourist is come from United Stated, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, and the Ireland. In hotel, every day can see the a lot of the people is online booking the room or the reservation. All of the online booking or the online reservation is using the English, the staff of the hotel will check or confirm have the person online booking or online reservation or not. Sometimes have some guest is use the phone to booking or reservation of the room, the guest almost is using the English to booking or reservation the room. You must know the information, message or demand from the guest want to booking or reservation the room in your hotel. Can easily to get the information, message and demand of the different kind of guest this is because our know the importance o f English in hotel management and understand the English. If our cannot understand the English our cannot get the information and massage from the guest, also our cannot give the information and message about our hotel for the customer, because cannot understand or don’t know how to speak the English to guest. English is importance for a hotel management, this is because you can easily to get the information or the message from the tourist or the traveler. Our also can easily to using the English to communicate with the communicate and can satisfy the demand, need and wants from the different kind of the customer. This is because you understand what is the people said to you so you can clearly to confirm the demand, need and the wants. In the hotel most time is using the English to communication because the English is a international or the official language in the world, sometime some guest want to using the facilities in the hotel such as the spa, the gym, swimming pool, or other facilities in a hotel. Next, the English is important for us in hotel management this is because our can easily or faster to receive or to get the information from the different kind of the guest, so can easily to give the different service to the guest on the time or fast, the customer can feel the more polite from your. Also can increase the image or the name for your hotel. Next, also can increase the profit of the hotel. Next, the English is important in hotel management is you cannot confuse the information, this is because you understand and know the demand, wants, and needs of the different kind of customer. And you can easily to request and serve to customer. CONCLUSION Conclusion, English is important for us is easily to communication with different kind of guest. This is because the English is a important language in the world and English also is a international and official language for us. If the teen staff in tourism industry or in hotel can communicate well in English, the guest will feel the staff in hotel have good polite and give the good service to different kind of guest. So, English is very important for teen staff in tourism industry or in hotel. INTRODUCTION 2 What is a English, the English is a is a language from the West Germanic language that was first spoken in early madievel England and is now a global lingua franca. It is an official language of almost 60 sovereign states and the most commonly spoken language in the sovereign states include the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand and a number of Caribbean nations. Why English is very important for us to communicate with different kind of the people, service for the other person, get the message, information or the data from the other person. First, the English may not be the most spoken language in the world, but it is the official language in a large number of countries. It is estimated that the number of people in the world that use in English to communicate on a regular basis is 2 billion ! Next, English is the dominant business language and it has to become almost a necessity for people to speak English if they are to enter a global workforc e, research from all over the world shows that cross-border business communication is most often conducted in English. Its importance in the global market place therefore cannot be understated, learning English really can change your life. Third is many of the world’s top films, books and music are published and produced in English. Therefore by learning English you will have access to a great wealth of entertainment and will be able to have a greater culturalunderstanding. Why have some people working cannot speak and cannot understand the English from the different guest ask them. This is because, some people working in the hotel is not Malaysians all is come from other country for the example is Vietnam, Brunei, Philippine, Indonesia, and also have some country. MAIN BODY I already access the teenagers working in tourism industry and the hotel. The name of the hotel I already access is called the Vistana Hotel. The reason why the teenagers in tourism industry are unable to communicate well in English. Because some teenagers are working in tourism industry is not Malaysians, all is come from the overseas country, so them cannot unable to communicate well in English for the different kind of the guest. Have a lot of the reasons of the teenagers are working in tourism industry are unable to communicate well in English. First reason is the teenagers is dislike, this is because the English have a lot of the vocabulary and the all vocabulary is have the many different meaning, the English easily to confuse and more difficult than other language. The teenagers working in tourism industry and the hotel them feel the English difficult understand, this is because the English vocabulary have a lot of use and the meaning. Next reason of the teenagers in tourism industry and the hotel are unable to communicate well in English reason is, lazy to learning the English because them very lazy to learning or speak the English. This is because them feel the English is not important for them of the life in every day. Them is also feel the English are very difficult for them, this is because in the English have a lot of the things are not spelled as they sound, such as pterodactyl which sounds like the teradactle or tough which sounds like tuff. Third is them feel the English language is a crazy language, this is because the English is the sometimes them think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital ? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship ? Park on driveways and drive on parkways ? Have noses that run and feet that smell ? How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites ? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which an alarm goes off by going on. Next reason is, them feel the English is easily to learn but hard to perfect because English can be hard, but not the hardest. Chinese, Japanese, and Russian with all of the characters and sounds. They seem more difficult to tackle. So, them say its somewhat hard to learn, but hard to perfect of the English. Some native speakers dont even know the major grammar/spelling rules. But can see how someone who isnt a native speak get confused between the read and read or lead and lead. The fifth reason of the teenagers in tourism industry or a hotel unable to communicate well in English language is English is the hardest language to speak Pretty much every comment on the No side makes me laugh. Some people wrote Cantonese and Chinese are the hardest languages to learn. Its Cantonese and Mandarin or them said English was easy to learn. Probably because they were born and raised around English in schools and around friends. Any Chinese person that I have met who lived in China up until certain ages have incredible difficulty speaking English and you can barely understand them. People should become more educated about different languages and cultures before they make comments. Next reason is the English is the most difficult language does mean that you know the whole English language, even though them starting learning English since they are on their mother womb, this is because them dont practice or trying to learning on them will stuck on some sentences and them will use the N word and the M on each sentences because them dont know how explain or spelling or talk the correct English. And some sentences have plus the ing, ed, and s will to become the sentences have a lot of different meaning. The next reason is the teenagers in tourism industry or a hotel, them only like, speak or learning their mother tongue. This is because them feel their mother tongue is easily to understand, speak and learning than English language. Another reason is the teenagers is anytime speak the mother tongue for the guest come from same country such as the Brunei, Vietnam, China, Philippine, India, and the Indonesia. So this reason is cause the teenagers are unable to communicate well in English. Next reason of the teenagers in tourism industry or a hotel unable communicate well in English is them cannot remember the use or the meaning the English sentences. This is because, some English sentences is more spelling can cause the teenagers easily confuse and very difficult to remember the English sentences. For the example, some guest want to reservation or booking the room. The guest will give the name, phone number, IC number, and other data, if the teenagers in hotel cannot remember and no confirm the data from guest, and give the wrong message or the information to guest will cause the loss of hotel and the guest don’t want state in hotel because the guest is using the English do the reservation the room. Why the hotel loss the profit, because the teenagers of overseas cannot understand, confuse, lazy, not confirm the information and check the spelling is correct or not, don’t know the meaning and use of English and cannot speak and communication in English. A ll of this reason is cause the teenagers in industry tourism or a hotel unable to communicate well in English to different kind of the guest come from different country. CONCLUSION Conclusion, if speak or communication are using English will be more polite of us. If cannot speak, communication or understand the English our cannot give any information or message to guest and also if our cannot understand the guest or other person said, our cannot receive the any information or the message from the guest or other person because them is using the English to communicate with you. So, English is important for teenagers in tourism industry or a hotel this is because the English is a international language in the world and in hotel every day need to serve the different kind of guest so the teenager cannot without the English in every day. REFERENCE Hospitality EnglishPage 1
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